
Second Bank of the United States Portrait Gallery

The People of Independence exhibit provides a glimpse into the lives of those who prized order and reason, yet lived in a world marked by disease, slavery, and the fear of the unknown. Portraits by artist Charles Willson Peale form the core of the collection. In the early 1800’s, these likenesses of “worthy Personages” were exhibited in Peale’s Philadelphia Museum, located on the second floor of Independence Hall. Additional portraits by other artists, particularly a number by British pastel artists James and Ellen Sharples, have been added to the collection through the years.

The Portrait Gallery in the Second Bank is accessible for visitors with mobility impairments. The accessible entrance ramp is located on the west side of the building. The gallery level is reached via elevator. Accessible restrooms are located in the basement near the elevator. Learn more about the accessibility services offered throughout the park on our website.


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